The best orientation for solar panels 

The best orientation for solar panels 

Solar panels use photovoltaic technology that converts sunlight into electricity. A solar panel needs as much direct sunlight as possible to do this at an optimum level. Depending on where you are in the world will determine the best orientation for your solar panels.

Figuring out the best orientation and angle for your solar panels isn’t difficult. This article will walk you through it.

Table of contents

  • What orientation is best for solar panels?
  • Can solar panels face any other direction?
  • North facing solar panels UK
  • What angle is best for solar panels?

What orientation is best for solar panels?

The best orientation for your solar panels will depend on which hemisphere of the globe you live in (sorry, flat earthers!). If you live in the UK, you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the ‘top half’ of the planet.

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the best orientation for solar panels is South.

In the UK, the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, meaning Southern-facing solar panels will catch the sun for most of the day.

Can solar panels face any other direction?

Solar panels facing South in the UK will produce the most power. However, if this is not an option, all is recovered. The next best orientation for solar panels is east or West, which will still produce a lot of energy.

You can also have:

  • Solar panels facing East
  • West-facing solar panels

North facing solar panels UK

Solar panels facing North in the UK will likely produce a small amount of electricity. If it is your only option, seek expert advice on maximising the output from your solar array.

What angle is best for solar panels?

The direction of your solar panels is more important than the angle you place them. In the UK, companies tend to install domestic solar panels on roofs & the pitch on most roofs is an ideal angle for solar panels.

You can work out the ideal angle for solar panels with a simple process. The best angle for solar panels is the same as your country or province’s latitude. 

For example, the UK is at a 55-degree latitude. Therefore, the best angle for solar panels in the UK is 55 degrees. The majority of roofs in the UK are between 30 and 50 degrees.

If you are installing your solar panels, check out our article on the best three off-grid solar systems. If you’re looking for a company to install solar panels, check out the three best solar energy companies.


We have learned that the best orientation for solar panels depends on the hemisphere you live in, and the best angle is the same as the latitude of your country or province. For example:

The best orientation for solar panels in the UK is South, and the best angle is 55 degrees.

Sources: Image by wirestock on Freepik

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