How to grow Radishes

Radish harvest

In this article, we will cover ‘How to grow Radishes’. Radish is grown throughout Britain. It is a staple part of many people’s diets in summer and winter. The edible part of a radish is its swollen tap root, which is usually globular in shape.

With a potent flavour and smell, some people may not be partial to a radish in their salad. It is trying to be an either ‘you love it or hate it’ flavour. People usually eat radishes in salads across the UK and the world.

What this article will cover

  • Growing Radish from seed
  • When to plant Radish UK
  • How long does it take for radishes to grow?
  • How To Trim A Radish Plant?
  • Can you eat Radish Leaves?
  • Radish growing stages
  • Companion Plants for Radishes
  • How to grow Radishes
  • Common problems growing Radish

Growing Radish From Seed

As radishes are fast-growing, there is no need to buy them as seedlings. They are best grown from cheap and plentiful seeds; you will likely find them in your local garden centre or online seed bank.

Germinating Radish seeds

There are various methods for germinating seeds. If you have a preferred way to do so, please feel free to do so. I have found the best way to germinate radish seeds is to sow directly into the soil.

Soil & Temperature Requirements

The seeds need soil temperatures around 65 and 85 °F / 18 and 29 °C. They prefer light and loamy soil but can do well in many soil types. A soil with a PH of around 6.5-7 is ideal for growing conditions for the radish plant. The light soil allows maximum expansion of the tap root, which is the edible part of the Radish.

When To Plant Radishes In The UK

Sow your seeds between March and August in the ground or containers. Radishes are best grown little and often. Stagger the planting to how many you will likely eat during the season. Radishes grow quickly, going from seed to harvest in just four weeks.

How long does it take for radishes to grow?

Given the right conditions, a radish will grow from seed to crop in four weeks. For the best results, plant a row every two weeks. Doing so will stop you from overloading with too many radishes simultaneously.

How To Trim A Radish Plant?

To thin the leaves on a radish plant, separate the greens from the root and cut the leaf away. Reducing the leaf population will help the plant focus its energy on root growth. A significant part of this process is that you can eat the radish leaf, too!

Can you eat Radish leaves?

Yes, you can eat radish leaves! You can toss them into a salad or sautee them. If you are shopping for radish seeds with some of their leaves in mind, it is essential to note that some plants have hairy leaves. 

These hairs can prick the tongue when eaten! This experience could be better. Be sure to look for species with hairless leaves.

Benefits of Radish leaves

Radish leaves taste just like their cousins, mustard & turnip greens. They will liven up your salads and pack a load of health benefits as they are an excellent source of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin A
  • Iron
  • Calcium 
  • High count of antioxidants 

Radish growing stages

1 – Seed to Germination

Radishes take up to 5-10 days to germinate

2 – Seedling

Seedlings will appear soon after termination

3 – Young adult planting

At 2–3 weeks, your Radish is a young adult plant

4 – Adult plant

3-4 weeks, your plant is fully mature

Radish harvest

Companion plants that are good for radishes

Plants that promote the Radish’s taste, size and growth:

  • Chervil
  • Cucumber
  • Squash

Radish As A Companion Plant

As a companion plant, radishes are suitable for:

  • Cucumbers
  • Chervil
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Nasturtiums

Radishes are excellent at deterring:

  • Aphids
  • Cucumber beetles
  • Tomato horn-worms
  • Squash bugs
  • Ants

How to Grow Radish

  1. The first step is to germinate your radish seeds. It is best to plant the seeds directly where they will grow to avoid disturbing them, which could cause the Radish to bolt. 
  2. Sow the seeds individually and in rows around four inches apart between March and August.
  3. Keep the radish seeds between 18 and 29 degrees Celcius for optimum germination, which takes five to ten days.
  4. Look after the seedling for two to three weeks as it develops. Be sure to trim the leaves off the Radish as it grows. Doing so will encourage root growth. The leaves are great in a salad.
  5. Over the last week or two, you should see your Radish poking through the soil. Radishes are ready to harvest when one inch thick and have a mild, peppery flavour.

Early sowings may take a little longer to mature to harvest, six to eight weeks.

Common Problems Growing Radishes

Radishes are relatively easy to grow without issue. However, like any other plant, it can be disease-prone if not kept in the right conditions. Most issues you will come across growing radishes will be fungal diseases. Below are some of the most common issues faced with growing radishes in Britain.

  • Damping off
  • Septoria leaf spot
  • Fusarium rot
  • Downy Mildew
  • Black root
  • Alberta blight
  • White rust
  • Club root
  • Scab

How to stop Radish Bolting

While the leaf is edible and tasty, if a radish is allowed to ‘bolt,’ there will be an abundance of woody, bitter leaves and no bulb/tap root – a.k .a. the Radish! To avoid this, thin the crop as it grows. Keeping a distance between each plant is essential.

Go through your rows of radishes and pull out or ‘thin’ any plants clogging up the row. Thinning the plants will allow enough space for the bulb to grow fat and tasty. Growing radishes too close together will make them compete for leaf space, and they will ‘bolt’.

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